Dare to begin…..

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” All accomplishment comes from daring to begin”

Why do we not start things? Or if we do, why do we fail so often?

Failing to start is almost always a result of fear: fear of failure, fear of success, take your pick, they are both powerful preventers to obtaining your goals and dreams. The fear convinces you that it’s better to stay as you are, leave the status quo, rather than rock the boat, leave the port and risk journeying into uncharted, rough waters.

But by setting your Wellness Mission Statement, establishing a Wellness Plan and following these seven steps to overcoming your fears.

Step 1 – Lost Opportunities

Consider what you’re going to miss out on if you don’t do this. Write a list of all the wonderful and positive things that will happen if you reach your goals – this is what you’re going to miss out on if you don’t start.

Step 2 – Research the alternatives

Is this plan the only solution to achieving your wellness goals. Other alternatives like surgery are probably not an option. When your back’s against the wall and this is the only way out then that provides you with added motivation to surge ahead.

Step 3 – Identify the worst case scenario

Often times the fear of failure is a fear of the unknown. By identifying the worst case scenario that can happen, it’s put into perspective – chances are it’s not as bad as you’d first imagined. Plus, if it does (and it usually doesn’t), whilst you still may not like it you will have already considered it and your next options via step 4.

Step 4 – Contingency Plan

My number one thing for almost everything I do ~ what if’s. What if I go to yoga and I’m terrible at it? Well perhaps you can do pilates instead. For each of the worst case scenarios in Step 3, come up with a contingency plan. This will save you lots of time, thought and angst should something not go right first time around.

Step 5 – Understand failing is learning

Thomas Edison failed 1000 times to make the incandescent light bulb. When asked about this he replied “We now know a thousand ways not to build a light bulb”. Learning what doesn’t work is just as important as learning what does work. Without making a mistake (or failing in some small way) a lesson can not be learned fully, and the truth can not be moved closer to. Embrace your mistakes as learnings, take the lessons from them you can and move on.

Step 6 – Ensure your success

Remove all temptations and barriers that will prevent you from working your plan – throw out all that highly processed food form your fridge and pantry, eliminate or reduce the number of meals out, etc. And replace these with things that will help you achieve success – ensure you have plenty of lean meats, and fresh fruits and vegetables in your fridge, when eating out go for better restaurants rather than fast  food and order the chicken salad with the dressing on the side rather than the burger and fries.

Step 7 – Get into action

Action is everything – without it decay starts. By getting into action you are working your plan and getting closer to your goals, you’re learning and expanding your knowledge, which makes you feel better and builds confidence. Inaction is the killer of all plans, the destroyer of all dreams. Get into action now, and track and monitor your progress to ensure you keep moving them forward!