Category Archives: Plan Your Trip

What you need to do before you start, as well as helpful planning for along the way.

Develop a Mission Statement

“A wellness mission statement

provides clarity and gives your journey

a sense of purpose”

Identifying a wellness mission statement ca be one of the most thought provoking and helpful things you can do. It may not be easy, but it will be a valuable addition to your journey.

There are 5 main steps to creating a mission statement:

  1. Identify Past Wellness Successes.Think about those times in your life where your health was at its peak or greater than it is now. Write them down and try to identify whether there is a common theme.
  2. Identify Core Wellness Values. Develop a list of adjectives that you believe identify who you are and what your priorities are. Narrow your values to six most important values and choose the one value that is most important to you.
  3. Identify Wellness Contributions. Make a list of the ways you could make a difference if you regained your wellness, health and vitality whether it be to your family, your friends, yourself or the world around you.
  4. Identify Wellness Goals. Think about your wellness priorities and the personal goals you have for yourself. Break your goals into 1 year, 3 year and 5 year goals.
  5. Create Wellness Mission Statement.Using Steps 1-4 begin writing your wellness mission statement

For example, my sample Wellness Mission Statement would look something like this:

1. Past success:

  1. reached 71kg of wellness
  2. was toned and muscular
  3. had vigour and always felt healthy
  4. was able to avoid sickness

Themes: Successes all relate to achieving great health and wellbeing.

2. Core values:

High Achiever



Most important values:




Most important value:



3. Identify Contributions:

to my self: to live my life with integrity each and every day, and to be good to the people I meet along the way.
to my family: to challenge and encourage them to be better than they already are.
to my friends: to always be there for them and help them in their time of need.
to the world around me:to inspire people to achieve their dreams4. Identify Goals:

1-year: To regain my peak level of wellbeing.

3-year: To find ways to be more inspirational to others

5-year: To give back to my community and society as a whole.

5. Wellness Mission Statement:

“To live life with integrity and honesty, nurturing my body and mind to maintain great health and wellness; to care for the environment and the world around me, and to creatively explore ways to challenge and inspire others to find and follow their wellness passion.”

 With your Wellness Mission Statement complete, you can now develop a Wellness Plan to achieving your goals.



Habit Number 2

“Begin with the end in mind”*

BeginWithEndInMind*Stephen Covey’s second habit in “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is “Begin with the end in mind”.  But what does this mean?

Covey calls this the habit of personal leadership – leading oneself towards what you consider your goals by developing the habit of concentrating on relevant activities to build a platform to avoid distractions and become more productive and successful. Habit 2 is about programming the subconscious and enlisting Newton’s Law of Inter attractiveness (the same principle used by The Secret) to help turn thought and desire into reality. In other words, by creating the thought, the vision and the desire in your subconscious you are automatically programming your brain to seek your goal and are therefore far more likely to achieve it.

If you missed the phenomenon that is The Secret, then you can learn about it here:

As for Newton, his Law of Universal Gravitation, known in Buckminster Fuller circles as Newton’s Law of Inter attractiveness, states that “states that every point mass in the universe attracts every other point mass with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.”

What does this mean for you and your goals?

Simplistically it means, that there is already an attraction between you and your goal, and with every step towards it the attraction becomes stronger.

So how do you begin with the end in mind?

  1. Get a picture of yourself at your idea weight (or Photoshop one)
  2. Put a copy up in your bathroom, on your fridge and beside your bed
  3. Create a wellness mission statement for yourself and put it beside your bed
  4. Every night before you go to sleep and each morning when you wake, read your mission statement, look at your picture for 30 seconds, close your eyes and keep imagining the new you as if you’ve already achieved your goal
  5. Follow your wellness plan during the day

By beginning with the end in mind you increasing the likelihood of achieving your goals.

Why not get started with the end in mind now by visiting our Exercise Tools and Tips or Diet Tools and Tips pages now.



What’s difficult soon becomes easy …..

“The only thing that comes easily is failure”

 "High Road, Low Road" Road Sign with dramatic clouds and sky.Winston Churchill said “He who fails to plan is planning to fail“. Do nothing, change nothing and failure is a swift friend. Say “I can’t do it” or words to the like, and you stat to believe them (even if you’re hoping to the contrary) and guess what? It’ll come true. You have unwittedly programmed your subconscious to fail, and hey presto, like magic, it happens.

Having a plan, and a goal, knowing your end destination is key to success. Even if you didn’t quite make it to the end destination you will be much further along your journey than you would have been without them.

It’s not easy to set goals and develop plans – if it was, everyone would do it and everyone would be a success. But there are two roads to take in life: and two have very different journeys.

Imagine a very steep mountain range that leads up to a pinnacle – your destination. The first road to your left is a meandering low gradient road, it seems like it winds on forever. It’s going to take a long time to reach the summit, but it looks easy enough, not to physically exhausting and doesn’t require any specialist knowledge or equipment. This is the easy road.

The second road to your right starts with a small incline, and gets steeper with every step. It looks like it may be difficult to navigate, rocky and steep and perhaps even a little dangerous without the right equipment and knowledge. But this road is sure to get you to the summit in a small fraction of the time the other road will take, which means you can enjoy the view longer. This is the hard road.

The interesting thing about these two roads is eventually the easy road becomes hard, tiring and frustrating whereas the difficult road becomes easier with each passing moment. So which road will you choose? Left or Right?

Why not choose the right road and visit our Exercise Tools and Tips or Diet Tools and Tips pages now in preparation.



Get yourself a team …..

“Success is a team effort”

Success: def – a successful performance or achievement*

Team: def – a number of persons associated in some joint action*

SuccessTeamEffortWhilst you may have success on your own, your journey to wellbeing is certainly sure to be easier to achieve if you mastermind with a team instead of trying to fly solo.

According to American psychologist, Dr. Meredith Belbin, effective team work most successfully achieved with 9 identified ‘Team Roles’:

  • The creative type who generates ideas (the “Plant”)
  • The extrovert who has good networks (the “Resource Investigator”)
  • The dynamic individual who thrives on the pressure (the “Shaper”)
  • The person who soberly evaluates the usefulness of ideas (the “Monitor-Evaluator”)
  • The cooperative team player (the “Team-worker”)
  • The ones with specialist skills (the “Specialist”)
  • Those who turn ideas into solutions (the “Implementor”)
  • The person who keeps the team together effectively (the “Co-ordinator”)
  • The person who get issues completed (the “Completer-Finisher”)

Do you have 9 team members to help you that fit this list? Thinking that you’ll never find the right mix of people to fit this list?

Would it surprise you to learn that some of the 9 team members can perform multiple roles? And they do not all have to be people ~ they can also be tools?

The “Plant” may be you – researching your destination by referring to this site for ideas. The “Resource Investigator” may be found by joining an exercise or diet group (physical or on-line), which will keep you linked into other people seeking the same destination.  A personal trainer (or strong-willed friend or partner) may play the role of the “Shaper”.

The “Monitor-Evaluator” could be your diet software that monitors your lifestyle and tracks your results. You can enlist the help of a friend to play the role of the Team-Worker, performing the necessary tasks along side you for motivation or companionship. Your personal trainer, gym instructor or dietitian may also play the role of the “Specialist”, giving you the necessary guidance.

The “Implementor” could (and probably will be) be played by a range of people – doctor, trainer, mentor, other health professional (naturopath, chiropractor, massage therapist, etc.) – anyone who can help take your ideas for wellness and turn them into solutions you can action. You may have several “Implementors” in your team that you use from time to time.

Your diary, goals and task/to do list take the roles of the “Co-ordinator”, keeping everything moving along and on track. You can then focus on playing the role of the “‘Completer-Finisher”, performing the necessary tasks to achieve the desired result.

Why not get started putting your team together now by visiting our Exercise Tools and Tips or Diet Tools and Tips pages now.




Unless you start doing something different…….

….. you are in for more of the same”

insanity-sourceHow many of us go about life doing the same old thing day in day out expecting a different result? Isn’t that the definition of insanity?

Take a long hard look at yourself and your life. Are you guilty of doing more of the same, and expecting the universe to provide something magical? Are you where you want to be? Are you who you want to be? Or do you want something different?

The choice is up to you, you alone control your destiny.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Why not make the change today, get the education and the tools you need to change your life once and for all and be all you can be ~ “Carpe Diem”.

If you don’t know where to start check out the information in my Blog pages: Planning, Get Your Mind Right, Get Your Body Right and Get Your Spirit Right. They will give you all you need to know to seize the day.