It’s never too late …..

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“No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back”

what_you_gain_when_you_lose_weight_infographic1The body is an amazing machine. No matter how much we abuse it the body has an inbuilt survival program to help it adapt to new conditions. But the body also has a natural ability to heal itself when it is finally put back on the right track.

We’ve all heard amazing stories of people in difficult situations that have lived on fresh air (or only a Mars bar) and water for weeks on end. And the recovery powers of the body for those courageous enough to stop smoking are well documented, reversing most of the long-term effects of heavy smoking in 5 years, and returning it to the same state as a never smoker in 15 years.

So it’s never too late to make the diet and exercise changes to lifestyle that will restore your wellbeing. But did you know in the process you can also reverse the aging process?

We age because of free radicals in our bodies oxidize in our bodies and leads to us looking older before our time. Free radicals are everywhere, in the air, our bodies, and the materials around us. They cause the deterioration of plastics, the fading of paint, the degradation of works of art, aging related illnesses, and can contribute to heart attacks, stroke and cancers. They are also caused by eating highly processed foods.

Oxidation can be fought by eating a low-fat diet that is also high in antioxidants. These types of foods almost always revolve around different fruits and vegetables and also some whole grains. Foods lose their antioxidant powers when they are processed and cooked so eating a diet high in raw fruit and vegetables is preferable.

Eating a healthy diet may be difficult to begin with but in time it gets easier the longer you continue. You may just decide to increase eating fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains while reducing your intake of meat and processed foods. When you see the signs of aging quickly drop from your body no matter what your age is now it will be well worth the effort .

Diet alone is not enough, exercise that produces a benefit on all bodily systems (cardiovascular, muscular and skeletal) also plays a crucial role in reversing the aging process. With age our bodies naturally lose muscle mass which leads to weakness associated with old age. To reverse (or prevent) this it’s important to replace that lost muscle through resistance training sessions 2 to 3 times a week.

Start to reverse the aging process now by visiting our Exercise Tools and Tips or Diet Tools and Tips pages now.