Habit Number 2

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“Begin with the end in mind”*

BeginWithEndInMind*Stephen Covey’s second habit in “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is “Begin with the end in mind”.  But what does this mean?

Covey calls this the habit of personal leadership – leading oneself towards what you consider your goals by developing the habit of concentrating on relevant activities to build a platform to avoid distractions and become more productive and successful. Habit 2 is about programming the subconscious and enlisting Newton’s Law of Inter attractiveness (the same principle used by The Secret) to help turn thought and desire into reality. In other words, by creating the thought, the vision and the desire in your subconscious you are automatically programming your brain to seek your goal and are therefore far more likely to achieve it.

If you missed the phenomenon that is The Secret, then you can learn about it here: http://thesecret.tv/thesecretfilm/

As for Newton, his Law of Universal Gravitation, known in Buckminster Fuller circles as Newton’s Law of Inter attractiveness, states that “states that every point mass in the universe attracts every other point mass with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.”

What does this mean for you and your goals?

Simplistically it means, that there is already an attraction between you and your goal, and with every step towards it the attraction becomes stronger.

So how do you begin with the end in mind?

  1. Get a picture of yourself at your idea weight (or Photoshop one)
  2. Put a copy up in your bathroom, on your fridge and beside your bed
  3. Create a wellness mission statement for yourself and put it beside your bed
  4. Every night before you go to sleep and each morning when you wake, read your mission statement, look at your picture for 30 seconds, close your eyes and keep imagining the new you as if you’ve already achieved your goal
  5. Follow your wellness plan during the day

By beginning with the end in mind you increasing the likelihood of achieving your goals.

Why not get started with the end in mind now by visiting our Exercise Tools and Tips or Diet Tools and Tips pages now.