Fly and Eat Right

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It can bemuch more difficult to maintain or lose weight whilst traveling because we’re away from our usual routine and our usual food sources. Flying, in particular, can be a disaster for diets as airline food tends to be very high in sodium, sugar, saturated fats (and trans fats!) and preservatives and low in vitamins, minerals and fibre. But why is this so and what can we do about it? Guillaume de Syon, a history professor at Albright College said that the higher altitudes alter the way we taste and food will often taste “dry and flavorless” as a result of the pressurization. Further passengers, feeling thirsty due to pressurization, many drink alcohol when they ought to drink water.

Whilst many airlines are trying to impove the quality of their meals there are three main reasons that they will rarely reach a high standard. First, the change in the air pressure and the low humidity inside the cabin numbs about one third of our taste buds making ‘normal’ food tasteless. Increased salt, sugar and spice are added to make airline meals more palatable. Second, airline meals need to be precooked and frozen to comply with health and safety standards. Unfortunately, the freezing process tends to degrade the taste of food (again) and so the meals are loaded up with even more extra salt and fat to compensate.  And third, preservatives and hydrogenated vegetable oils (high in trans fats) are necessary to stabilise and store the food.

So what can we do about it? First is to eliminate or restrict alcohol to one standard drink. The second is to drink plenty of bottled water – at least an average of 200mls per hour every hour. And avoid the sodas and fruit juices which hold no nutritional value.  Third is to order a special diabetic meal. Diabetic meals are lower in salt, sugar and fat, and whilst they may taste a little more bland they are generally prepared fresher, contain more fresh ingredients and are much better for you. Plus you’ll generally get served your meal first! If you’re on low cost carriers who don’t supply meals then make sure you have healthy low carb, low fat, low salt and no sugar foods to take with you to avoid the risk of impulse buying their unhealthy offerings.